Jeff is building an FPS multiplayer game, so what does that have to do with Loudstill, you say? Well, when he set out to start a live stream, he stumbled on a little issue; he was unable to find non-copyrighted or free music to use for his Twitch live stream. His first thought was to call his childhood friend and musician David Shyde to help him write an original track. They wrote the track and before you know it, Loudstill was born! In steps Jess who just loves music and marketing, this is a perfect project for her. What is our goal? We want to give you access to new and amazing original music to use… for free! What!?? Yes, free! You can download, save and use at your own discretion.
We make it easy for you to have acess to our library of songs. Download straight from our website to create your own playlist. Subscribe to our youtube channel to get notices about new releases.
Yes! There are no fees to pay, our music is free for you to use in all of your creative projects. All we ask is that you give Loudstill credit and be sure to include our link in each of your creations.
Tell your friends - talk about Loudstill on your social media platforms. And if you would like to give us a few bucks, visit our patreon page or donate here :-)